The Western Link is a major electricity transmission project being jointly developed by National Grid and Scottish Power. The Western Link will connect the high voltage transmission systems in Scotland with England and Wales, providing much needed extra capacity in the UK electricity transmission system.
The Western Link will comprise over 400km of cable that will link Hunterston in Scotland with Hoylake in England. The cable will run the length of the Firth of Clyde, cross the North Channel between Scotland and Ireland, before running to the south of the Isle of Man and into Liverpool Bay. It will be the longest cable of its type in the world.
The Western Link will provide an extra 2000MW of capacity in the transmission system. Electricity will be able to flow both north and south, according to changes in supply and demand.
AWJ have been working with National Grid and Scottish Power on the Western Link project since 2010. We have organised consultation meetings with the many fishing groups along the route, and have provided expert input to the environmental assessment of the project. As the Western Link moves into its construction phase we continue to provide Fishery Liaison Services and expert advice on fishing issues.
All of the applications for consent for the Western Link project were submitted in 2011. The consenting process was completed in early 2012. Installation of the Western Link cable started in the shallow waters at the southern end of the route in September 2014. Work on installation of the cable was completed in September 2017.
More information about the project can be found on the Western Link website here. You can contact the Western Link team directly by telephone (Freephone 0800 021 7878) or by e-mail here.
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If you have any queries about the Western Link, please contact us.