Gwynt y Môr Windfarm: Weekly Notice of Operations, 20th August 2012

This is a summary of the weekly notice of operations for the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Windfarm issued on 20th August 2012 to harbour masters and sea users.  This notice describes recent operations, work planned for the next 7 days, and provides a list of vessels operating on the site with their contact details.

Work carried out over past 7 days

The following work has been carried out in the past week:

  • Stanislav Yudin continued foundation installation duties, assisted by support vessels Anglian Monarch and the Smit Angola.
  • Penrhos Bay and Malltraeth Bay have been used as a CTV / Stand by vessel when required, running out of Conwy Marina or Deganwy.
  • Colwyn Bay and Tremadoc Bay based at Liverpool Marina to be utilised as and when required.  Tremadoc Bay carried out mooring trials at Woodside ferry terminal.
  • Choice has been on guard vessel duties (see Notice to Mariners 13 here).
  • Cable barge Cable Enterprise and support vessels Fairplay 27, Whalsa Lass andMCS Ailsa continued to lay the export cable from Pensarn Beach towards OSP East (see Notice to Mariners 14 here).
  • DP Vessel Sentinel continues with site clearance operations at the windfarm (see notice here).
  • Smit Barge 12 has been on standby in Vittoria Dock.
  • Viking Barge 5 has been transporting components to site, assisted by tugs Smit Buffalo, Smit Beluga & Union Boxer.
  • Viking Barge 3 has been transporting components to site, assisted by tugs Smit Buffalo, Smit Beluga & Union Boxer.
  • Toisa Warrior continued with grouting operations, following Stanislav Yudin‘s transition piece installation programme.
  • Halcyon Days (small survey vessel) commenced survey duties inside CL wet basin and River approaches.
  • Sarah Jane Too will be on location to monitor noise during piling operations.
  • Patricia conducted annual maintenance of GyMOWF perimeter buoys (see Notice to Mariners 17 here).

Work planned for next 7 days

The work planned for the next 7 days on the site is:

  • Stanislav Yudin will continue installation of monopiles and transition pieces, and will install Substation West topside when it arrives on site, supported by Smit AngolaAnglian Monarch and Union Boxer.
  • Substation West topside to arrive on site from Belfast, towed by Smit Tiger.
  • Penhros Bay and Malltraeth Bay will continue to be utilised as Crew Transfer / Stand by vessel, running out of Conwy Marina or Deganwy.
  • Tremadoc Bay and Colwyn Bay will sail from Liverpool Marina.
  • Choice will remain on station as guard vessel.
  • Cable barge Cable Enterprise and support vessels Fairplay 27Whalsa Lass and MCS Ailsa will continue export cable installation from Pensarn Beach towards OSP East.
  • DP Vessel Sentinel will commence site clearance operations in the windfarm area (see Notice to Mariners 16 here).
  • Viking Barge 5 shall complete mobilisation and will standby for the arrival of installation vessel Stanislav Yudin.
  • Toisa Warrior will continue grouting operations as transition pieces are installed at Gwynt y Môr Offshore Windfarm.

List of vessels at site for next 7 days

The vessels that will be operating on the site over the next 7 days and their contact details are given below.  We have linked up the vessel names to so that with just one mouse click you can find out more about their current location and recent activity.

All vessels will monitor VHF Channel 16.

Port Arrivals

The planned port arrivals over the next 7 days are:-

  • Cammel Laird Birkenhead/Port of Liverpool.
    • Smit Buffalo & Smit Beluga, on a daily basis within Tranmere Wet Basin.
    • Viking Barge 3 and Viking Barge 5 supported by Union Boxer and 2 Smit tugs on a continuous basis from Tranmere Wet Basin towards the “Q1” Buoy.
    • Marlene, expected 20th August.
    • Bente, expected 22nd August.
  • Mostyn.
    • No movements expected.
  • Liverpool marina
    • Tremadoc Bay & Colwyn Bay on a daily basis.
  • Conwy / Deganwy
    • Penrhos Bay  & Malltraeth Bay standing by in port when not utilised.
  • Beaumaris
    • Sarah Jane Too will conduct noise monitoring duties as required.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about these activities.

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