Gwynt y Môr Windfarm: Notices to Mariners, 30th November 2012

Several Navigation Notices have been issued for the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Windfarm today.  They are listed and summarised below.

1.  Diving and sub surface operations by DSV Normand Tonjer.

The DSV Normand Tonjer is due to commence diving and sub surface work at the windfarm site on the 1st December 2012 until further notice.  The vessel will work at several locations around the site and other vessels are requested to observe a 500m exclusion zone around her.  A notice describing the vessel and her activities can be downloaded here.

2.  Export cable jointing operations

The vessel Pontramaris, assisted by support vessels Nova K and Claudia B will be jointing the export cable from the windfarm for approximately 10 days, commencing 1st December.  The location of the proposed activity is illustrated in the Notice to Mariners available here.

3.  Relocation of Waverider data buoy

The Waverider Data buoy presently in position 53°28.838’N-003°34.134’W will be moved to a new position at 53°28.638’N – 003°30.223’W when there is a suitable weather window anytime between the 29th Nov 2012 until 10th Dec 2012. The works are expected to take approx 2 – 4 days.

The works will be carried out by the vessel St David.  The vessel will be within the GyM field during the work and a 500m clearance from the vessel is requested.  A full notice advising of these operations is available for download here.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.


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