PRIORITY NOTICE Gwynt y Môr Windfarm 29th November 2012: Exposed export cable ends on Seabed

A Navigation Warning advising of exposed ends of the export cable from the Gwynt y Môr windfarm has just been issued.  The full notice can be downloaded here and is summarised below.

All vessels are asked to navigate with caution in the vicinity of the positions listed below, and to refrain from anchoring or fishing activity within a 500m exclusion zone around the locations specified.

  • Lat: 53 deg 21.94159’ N Long: 003 deg 35.80597’ W. The cable has a 40m wire pennant laid along the route from the cable end. At the end of this 40m wire is a 1m wire pennant as a riser with a subsea plough float attached.
  • Lat: 53 deg 21.73746’ N Long: 003 deg 35.79205’ W. (KP 9.745). The cable has a 22m wire pennant laid along the route from the cable end. At the end of this 22m wire is a 1m wire pennant as a riser with a subsea plough float attached.

Latitudes and longitudes are referenced to the WGS84 datum.  The locations are illustrated in the Notice to Mariners here.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.

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