Gwynt y Môr: Notice to Anglers

From the 1st October 2014, angling vessels will be able to re-commence fishing within the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Site.  Although construction work is still continuing on the site, the level of activity is such that angling activities can resume.

All anglers are advised to observe safety precautions that apply to all vessels operating within the windfarm site:-

  • Construction vessels – there is a 500m safety exclusion zone around construction vessels working on the site.  Please also be aware that construction vessels may have reduced ability to manoeuvre and navigate accordingly.
  • Monopiles and offshore substations – for the remainder of the construction phase and during any periods of maintenance, there is a 50m safety exclusion zone around each monopile and offshore substation.  These safety exclusion zones are in place to promote the safety of all vessels, their crew and passengers.  A formal notice will be issued when the construction phase of the project is completed.
  • Navigation flags, lights & shapes – all vessels should display the appropriate flags, lights or shapes to indicate whether or not they are engaged in fishing activities (if you have any doubts about the symbols to display, please contact the Maritime and Coastguard Agency here).

More information has been provided for anglers in a briefing note that can be downloaded here.

For your convenience, a leaflet showing the location of the windfarm, wind turbines, cables and substations can be found in a Kingfisher Awareness leaflet that can be downloaded here.

Information about the current and proposed construction activities on the windfarm site is circulated in weekly bulletins.  You can find a list of all recent updates here, and sign up for free updates here.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.

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