This is an update on progress with the rock protection work on the Moyle Returns Cables in the North Channel of the Irish Sea. A revised Notice to Mariners was issued for this work in October 2015 and can be downloaded here, giving up-to-date details on project progress and plans. A further update on progress and upcoming plans for finishing cable protection work in June 2016 is provided below.
The Moyle Returns Project
The Moyle Returns project is a repair to the Moyle Interconnectors that were installed in the North Channel of the Irish Sea in 2002. Two new cables were laid across the North Channel as part of the repair during 2015. These cables have either been buried or protected with rock to ensure its safe operation. More information about the Moyle cables and the repair can be found here.
Offshore rock protection works completed
The vessel Rockpiper completed rock protection work on the southern Moyle returns cable on the 14th December 2015.
Maps that show the locations where rock has been placed on both the North and South cable routes, along with a spreadsheet for each cable that shows the latitude and longitude of the locations where rock has been placed, along with the actual tonnage of rock that has been be placed at each location can be downloaded below.
Upcoming works: inshore cable protection
Further cable protection work is scheduled for shallow water sections of the cable during early June 2016. Divers are due to carry out trenching works in waters shallower than 5m deep at both the Scottish and Northern Irish ends of the south cable. A small barge will be used to carry out rock placement works in waters between 5-12m deep.
The cable has been protected in these shallow waters with uraduct and iron casings over the winter as a precaution prior to the completion of inshore protection works.
Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.