Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm: Jack up Vessel Operations – July 2024

Mariners are advised that maintenance operations are due to be carried out by the jack up vessel Wind Server within the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm off the North Wales coast during July 2024.  A Notice to Mariners about these operations is summarised below and can be downloaded here.

Maintenance operations

The jack up vessel Wind Server is due to be carrying out maintenance including heavy lifting at five wind turbines within the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Windfarm area.  The location of the turbines can be seen on the Kingfisher Awareness Chart here, and coordinates are given below:-

  • Turbine E03Q: 53°28.068’N 003°39.248’W
  • Turbine B06C: 53°29.111’N 003°32.946’W
  • Turbine M01M: 53°25.727’N 003°38.232’W
  • Turbine C06B: 53°28.769’N 003°33.914’W
  • Turbine A02A: 53°29.409’N 003°36.028’W

The start date for this work is expected to be the 1st of July 2024 with an expected duration of 2 weeks.  These dates are subject to weather and sea conditions.

Additionally (and on completion of the work at these turbines), maintenance operations will also take place at the Gwynt y Môr Meteorlogical Mast at the follow location, with an expected duration of 1 day:-

  • Meteorological Mast: 53° 28.844’N 003° 30.502’W

This work is being carried out under Marine Licence number 11/52/ML/4.

Vessel details

Wind Server is a jack up vessel measuring 80m in length by 32m in width, with a red hull and white superstructure.  The vessel details and a link to its present location are given below:-

When at the specified locations the vessel will be restricted in the ability to manoeuvre and will exhibit signals in accordance with the UK Standard Marking Schedule for Offshore Installations.

Other vessels are asked to observe a 500m exclusion zone at all times and to gain permission from the vessel before approaching within the 500m zone.

The vessel will monitor VHF Channel 16 at all times.

Details of this work are specified in the Notice to Mariners that can be downloaded here.

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