Gwynt y Môr Windfarm: servicing of navigation buoys in August 2012

The annual servicing of the navigation buoys marking the perimeter of the Gwynt y Môr windfarm is due to take place in the last two weeks of August 2012 (commencing around the 16th August 2012).

This maintenance work is due to be carried out by the Trinity House Vessel Patricia.  A Notice to Mariners providing details of this activity has been published by RWE nPower Renewables and is available for download here.

The contact details for the Patricia are given below, with a link to the vessel details on the website.  You can observe the current location of the vessel and recent movements by following this link.

  • Patricia | Trinity House Vessel | Call sign: GBTH

Patricia will be contactable on VHF Channel 16.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about these activities.

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