Mostyn Harbour – Construction of New Pontoon Facility

Construction of a new pontoon facility will start on 1st June 2013 close to No. 1 berth at Mostyn Harbour.  This work is expected to take 2 months to complete.  A Notice to Mariners describing this work is available for download here and is summarised below.

The construction works will be carried out by the barge Skerchi and assisted by the tug St David.  The barge Skerchi will be secured by an 8 point anchor spread, and each anchor will be marked by an unlit cylindrical pennant buoy.  The barge will also display lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuvre.

Any underwater obstructions will be marked by buoys during the construction period.  Completed piles will be unlit, and will be landward of the construction barge.

Mariners are advised to navigate with particular caution when approaching the work area, heed information obtained from the barge master (see contact information below), and pass at a safe speed and distance keeping clear of pennant buoys and anchor cables.

Details of the vessels engaged in this work are given below, including a link to the website where details of the location of the tug St David can be obtained:-

  • Skerchi: construction barge | Mobile number +35 38 79 44 80 31
  • St David: tug | Call sign MNAA5

The Skerchi will maintain a listening watch on VHF channels 16 and 14.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.

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