Gwynt y Môr: Notice to Mariners – Jack up vessel JB114 to commence drilling work

On the 4th August 2013 the jack-up vessel JB-114 is due to begin drilling operations to assist monopile installation in the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Windfarm, until further notice.

A Notice to Mariners about these operations can be downloaded here and is summarised below.

JB-114 will be re-tasked to carry out infield foundation drilling works at various locations within the boundary of the Gwynt y Môr Offshore windfarm, starting on 4th August 2013.  The JB-114 will be supported by the Anchor Handling Tugs Union Diamond and the Smit Barracuda.

All vessel are asked to observe a 500m safety exclusion zone around JB-114 when on location.  During transit to & from the port of Liverpool vessels are asked to give the appropriate clearance for a tug and tow.

The call sign for the JB-114 and supporting vessels, and also a link to information about each vessel and its current location is given below:-

The vessel will monitor VHF Channel 16 at all times.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.

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