Windfarm Surveys: Burbo Bank & Walney Offshore Windfarms

Notices to Mariners about the survey activity in the vicinity of the Burbo Bank and Walney Offshore windfarms have been issued this week.  These notices are summarised below.

1.  Burbo Bank Wind Farm Survey

There is a delay, caused by the consistent poor weather, to the advertised start date of the Geotechnical Ground Investigation at the proposed extension to the Burbo Bank Wind Farm.

This Geotechnical Ground Investigation will consist of a combination of Deep Boreholes with Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’s) at selected positions as well as shallow Vibracore and adjacent CPT’s and will be carried out by the jack-up Excalibur and the DP Vessel Fugro Commander once they have completed at other locations.

Excalibur, accompanied by the support tug MTS Valiant, can now be expected to arrive on site at the proposed Burbo Bank Extension during the second week in January but no later than 24th January.

Fugro Commander will also be delayed in joining this survey.

A notice to mariners giving further details about this activity can be downloaded here.

If you have any queries about this notice, please contact the fishery liaison officer, Tom Watson by e-mail (or by phone on +44(0)7903-173624 / +44(0)1253-875565).

2.  Walney Wind Farm Survey

The jack-up Excalibur as well as the DP Vessel Gargano are on site for the Geotechnical Ground Investigation at the proposed Walney Offshore Wind Farm Extension.

You are requested to keep well clear of Excalibur whenever this vessel can be observed to be afloat and under tow and being manoeuvred into position and it should be noted that during sampling and investigation MV Gargano will be required to remain stationary while drilling for long periods and wide berth is requested, minimum 500 meters,  around both of these vessels at all times .

Both vessels will move to new position within the site without prior notification.

Excalibur, the support tug MTS Valiant and the D.P. Vessel MV Gargano will shelter off Douglas Harbour I.O.M. during periods of severe weather and will return to site as soon as the weather and conditions improve.

All of the vessels on this project will keep a listening watch on VHF Channels 16 &12 and can be contacted by VHF for information relating to vessel movements only.

This Geotechnical Ground Investigation consists of a combination of Deep Boreholes with Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’s) at selected positions as well as shallow Vibracore and adjacent CPT’s.

A map showing the location of the Walney Offshore Windfarm Extension can be downloaded here, and a notice to mariners giving further details about the vessels working on this project can be downloaded here.

If you have any queries about this notice, please contact the fishery liaison officer, Tom Watson by e-mail (or by phone on +44(0)7903-173624 / +44(0)1253-875565).

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