Gwynt y Môr: Export Cable Survey Work

Survey work on the power export cables that link the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm to the shore is due to take place in late September 2014 (scheduled from the 23rd-30th September, subject to weather conditions).

This survey work is due to be carried out by the vessel Polar King.  The survey will be limited to an area extending up to 50m either side of the eastern and western export cable routes (the cable routes and coordinates are given in the Kingfisher Awareness Flyer for the windfarm which is available here).

During the course of the survey the Polar King may deploy survey equipment and have reduced ability to manoeuvre.  All vessels are asked to observe a 500m safety zone around the vessel during these operations.

The call sign for the Polar King and also a link to information about the vessel, including its current location and recent movements is given below.

  • Polar King: Diving support vessel | Call sign 5BDF3

The vessel can be contacted on VHF Channel 16 at all times

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.

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