Gwynt y Môr Export Cable Survey: May 2024

[Please note that this survey has been delayed by a few days.  A revised notice to mariners has been issued and can be accessed here.  The notice below is retained as part of the formal record of communications for this project.]

Mariners are advised that a pre-construction survey of the export cable from the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm is due to be conducted close to the shore near to Abergele in North Wales.  The Notice to Mariners for this survey can be downloaded here and is summarised below.

Nature of Operations

The survey vessel Titan Discovery will be surveying an area up to 1km offshore of the HW mark close to Abergele, North Wales.  This survey is being conducted prior to maintenance work that is due to be carried out on one of the export cables later this year.  The location of the survey area is illustrated in the Notice to Mariners (here) and the boundaries are listed below:-

  • Waypoint 1: 053° 18′ 15.55″N 003° 34′ 54.38″W
  • Waypoint 2: 053° 18′ 20.46″N 003° 34′ 49.77″W
  • Waypoint 3: 053° 18′ 07.36″N 003° 34′ 10.63″W
  • Waypoint 4: 053° 18′ 02.81″N 003° 34′ 14.15″W

The survey work is due to start on the 23rd May 2024 and to last up to 5 days.  These dates are subject to weather and sea conditions.

Vessel details

The survey work will be carried out by the vessel Titan Discovery which is a catamaran workboat measuring 13m in length, 5m beam, with a yellow hull.  Information about this vessel including its current location can be found at the Marine Traffic website using the link below:-

Survey operations will be conducted on a 12-hour basis.  The vessel will display the prescribed lights and signals for survey operations and will monitor VHF Channel 12 & 16 at all times.

During this survey the vessel may be towing equipment and will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre. Other vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and maintain a wide berth of at least 500m distance.

Further details about the survey vessel are given in the Notice to Mariners which can be downloaded here.

Please contact Jim Andrews, Fishery Liaison Officer by e-mail or phone (+44(0)7908-225865) if you have any queries or concerns about this notice.

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