Category Archives: Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

Gwynt y Môr Windfarm: Update – Survey Operations

Survey work is due to commence on the export cable route for the Gwynt y Môr Offshore windfarm. This work will be carried out by the survey vessel Freja, and is due to start on the 24th March for 10 … Continue reading

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Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm: Location of Scour Protection Works

Further to last week’s e-mail, we now enclose a map showing the precise location of the scour protection work that is due to take place on the Gwynt y Môr windfarm shortly. The Tideway Rollingstone is not on site yet, … Continue reading

Posted in AWJ Updates, Fishery Liaison, Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm | Leave a comment

Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm: Revised Notice to Mariners

A revised notice to mariners about upcoming work on the Gwynt y Môr wind farm has been issued (here). The vessel Tideway Rollingstone will be installing scour protection stones at 14 locations within the Gwynt y Môr wind farm area.  … Continue reading

Posted in AWJ Updates, Fishery Liaison, Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm | Leave a comment

Gwynt y Môr Windfarm: Construction Activities

A leaflet describing proposed construction activities for the Gwynt y Môr wind farm has been published today. The leaflet shows the location of the 160 turbines, 2 substations and the export cables for this windfarm.  It also outlines the construction … Continue reading

Posted in AWJ Updates, Fishery Liaison, Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm | Leave a comment

Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm: Scour Protection Completed

Please be advised that the scour protection work outlined in the notice to mariners (GyM-NTM006, circulated on 9th January and illustrated in the map circulated on 10th January) has now been completed. We will keep you informed of future work … Continue reading

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Gwynt y Môr: Map of Scour Protection Locations

Further to yesterday’s e-mail, we now enclose a map showing the precise location of the scour protection work that is due to take place on the Gwynt y Môr windfarm shortly. If you have any queries about these operations, please … Continue reading

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Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm: Revised notice to mariners

A revised notice to mariners about upcoming work on the Gwynt y Môr wind farm has been issued (here). In summary, the vessel Tideway Rollingstone will be installing scour protection stones at 11 locations within the Gwynt y Môr wind … Continue reading

Posted in AWJ Updates, Fishery Liaison, Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm | Leave a comment

Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm: Scour protection work due to start

A notice to mariners about upcoming work on the Gwynt y Môr windfarm has been issued (here). The vessel Tideway Rollingstone will be installing scour protection stones at 11 locations (the black dots on the red line shown on the map). … Continue reading

Posted in AWJ Updates, Fishery Liaison, Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm | Leave a comment

Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm: Navigation Buoy Installation

The navigation buoys for the Gwynt y Môr Offshore windfarm have now been installed. Please note that the North Hoyle Buoy has also been removed during these operations. The location of all of the buoys is illustrated in the attached … Continue reading

Posted in AWJ Updates, Fishery Liaison, Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm | Leave a comment

Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm: Navigation Buoy Installation

Navigation buoys marking the perimeter of the Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm are due to be installed.  A notice to mariners concerning the installation of navigational buoys at the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Windfarm site has just been issued (here). … Continue reading

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